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M Gendron Books & Presentations

Books by Michael Gendron

"Marketing & Sales-Business Value Drivers: A Novel.Guide to More Effective Marketing & Sales"

  ... a novel that challenges the mid-market company to redefine their brand, and align Company resources to improve performance...

"Strategy-Roadmap to Value: A Novel/Guide to Developing a Strategic Plan"

     ... a novel that describes a simple process to develop an executable strategy for any size organization... 

"Preserve the Value: A Novel/Guide to Successfully Integrate an Acquisition"

     ... a novel that explores the challenges, planning and tasks necessary to successfully integrate an acquisition...

"Cashing Out @ Full Value: A Novel/Guide for Boomers Selling the Family Business"
    ... a novel that captures the emotional and management challenges to launch a mid-market business to a greater valuation...
"Doing the M&A Deal: A Quick Access Field Manual & Guide (2ndEdition)"
   ... a thorough & detailed checklist of steps that must be considered to effectively integrate an acquisition...
"Creating the New E-Business Company: Innovative Strategies for Real-World Applications"
   ... a guide to accelerate Company performance using innovative strategies & real-world WEB applications ...
"Integrating Newly Merged Organizations"
   ...a practical guide to effectively lead M&A integration, considering the organizational and technical challenges in any merger...
"A Practical Approach to International Operations"

   ... a broad discussion of real-world considerations when managing in the global environment ...